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The podcast about Thelema and Aleister Crowley

Lectures, readings, music, and more. Merch available here.

Co-produced by Enatheleme and IAO131.

All Thelema, all the time


Dec 21, 2011

NOTOCON VIII: Kaczynski | Sabazius X° | The Anthem | DuQuette

In this episode:

[ Click here to download Episode 25: Solstice in Capricorn, Year 107 ]

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More Info

More information about the segments:

Opening Remarks

  • Read about the history of Detroit and O.T.O. in Blue Equinox Oasis Journal #2: Panic in Detroit: The Magician and the Motor City. Ordering information can be found at the Blue Equinox Oasis website.
  • The Equinox 3,No. 1, a.k.a. "The Blue Equinox," a.k.a., "Detroit's answer to The Necronomicon" is available in paperback.

Grand Master's Address

  • Read the full text of Sabazius' speech, and find all his addresses from past occasions, at The Invisible Basilica

The Hermits of the O.T.O.

The Anthem

The Hermits of the O.T.O.


  • The Bay Area Thelemic Temple is a brand new temple space in Oakland, California in which to gather, teach and celebrate Universal Brotherhood. It is the new home of Blazing Star Oasis, a duly-chartered local body of O.T.O., and the Grady Louis McMurtry Memorial Library. We envision regular celebrations of the Gnostic Mass, classes offered by practitioners of their favored disciplines, and social gatherings designed for the sharing of spiritual experience—the possibilities are limitless. At the heart of this miracle is Blazing Star Oasis, a dedicated group of Thelemites uniting our larger community in the pursuit of “True Will,” the one perfect and unique path for each individual. What will it take to make this a success? You. If you donate to help fund the creation of this new center of Life, Light, Love, and Liberty, the Bay Area Thelemic Temple and Blazing Star Oasis are offering certain gifts in return. Even a dollar helps! Find out how you can contribute, and learn about the gifts that contributors will receive.
  • A new book by James Wasserman is now available, entitled The Temple of Solomon: From Ancient Israel to Secret Societies.
  • Unity Uttermost Showed, the proceedings from the seventh biennial National O.T.O. Conference, has now been published by U.S. Grand Lodge and is available for purchase online.
  • December 6 at Bubastis Oasis in Dallas, Texas; and December 7 at Alombrados Oasis in New Orleans, Louisiana, David Shoemaker will offer a lecture entitled "Tarot and the Path of Initiation."
  • January 15 at Blazing Star Oasis, Vere Chappell will offer a talk entitled "Sexual Outlaw & Erotic Mystic: The Life and Works of Ida Craddock".
  • June 22 through 24, William Blake Lodge in Baltimore, Maryland presents an O.T.O. Centennial and William Blake Lodge 20-Year Anniversary Celebration, featuring guest speaker Hymenaeus Beta and remarks by U.S. Grand Master Sabazius. This event is open to active O.T.O. members of the first degree and above. More details to be announced.

If you would like to notify our listeners about an event or publication, or other news pertinent to Thelemites, send the details to us at

[ Click here to download Episode 25: Solstice in Capricorn, Year 107 ]

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Tune in for Episode 26 when the Sun enters Aquarius on January 20, 2012 e.v.