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The podcast about Thelema and Aleister Crowley

Lectures, readings, music, and more. Merch available here.

Co-produced by Enatheleme and IAO131.

All Thelema, all the time


Jan 20, 2019

In this Program: The Way of the Will, by IAO131. Presented at NOTOCON X in Austin, TX.

Jan 13, 2019

In this Program: Excerpt from Son of Chicken Qabalah: Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford's (Mostly Painless) Practical Qabalah Course, read by Lon Milo DuQuette and Constance Jean DuQuette


Jan 7, 2019

In this program:

Sex Magick: Polarity beyond Gender by Miriam BatAsherah Green, a lecture from NOTOCON X in Austin, Texas.

Contribute Thelemic lectures, reading, or music to Speech in the Silence by contacting us at thelemapodcast at gmail dot com.

Sex Magick: Polarity beyond Gender

Jan 5, 2019

New content: Miriam BatAsherah Green delivered this talk entitled "Sex Magick: Polarity beyond Gender" at NOTOCON X in Austin, Texas.

Two interviews from the archives

Jan 4, 2019

These two interviews from 2009-2010 have not been available online for some time. We've pulled them up from the archives to make them available here. In both interviews, Speech in the Silence co-producer Fr. Enatheleme discusses Thelema, Aleister Crowley, politics, and the satirical AC2012 campaign to elect...